Monday, September 14, 2015

The Big Leagues, Week 1 - The Callup

Parents and student leaders, this is a place for you to come and hear about what's happening on a Sunday at Heartland. Hopefully you feel equipped after reading or listening to what we post here.

This fall, there's a brand new teaching series and rhythm we're entering into:

  • every Wednesday night there is a high school community that meets from 7-9pm. at this gathering, you'll be taught the same thing our middle school students will hear on Sunday four days later!
  • you'll get to process the teaching you hear in a small group of students led by one of our high school adult leaders
  • finally you'll get to give IT [what you're learning] away to the next generation of middle school students on the upcoming Sunday.

So that's why it's so important you are with us on a Wednesday night to hear the talk and process what God is saying to you AND what you'll do about it!
We'll be recording the teaching and posting it here every Thursday. This week we had a glitch and weren't able to record the entire teaching. SO we did the next best thing and recording a podcast. Take a listen!

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