Thursday, October 29, 2015

Real Action Heroes, Coaches Podcast - Nehemiah

Here is the latest coaches' podcast. We're sorry we didn't get it sent out to you in time, gang!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Check out the Parent Podcast, now located on the Heartland app!

You can find the weekly Parent Podcast on the Heartland Community Church app. Here's the link to get it on iOS, Android and Windows.
This week we invited our guest teacher Kyla Hanson to be on it, check it out!
You can also always find the latest Parent Podcast on the HS and MS webpages at

Friday, October 23, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Parent Podcast - REAL ACTION HEROES! - Gideon

This is the first installment of our REAL ACTION HEROES series!
This week's bottom line: God does significant things through unlikely people who choose to obey.

Take a listen to this week's parent podcast located in the app or on the sidebar of the student webpage at
We hope it equips you to have a spiritual conversation with your student!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Parent Podcast - Week 4 of the Big Leagues

Today we took a look at the last teaching in our Big Leagues series. We asked students to consider what position they would play on God's team, the church. Specifically, where can they out their gifts into play in our local church context.

We've learned that students need a couple things to emerge from the middle and high school years with a faith that is alive. They need to be known and sent. 
Our Heartland student ministry vision statement reflects that: training students to thrive in the unknown because they are known and sent. 

Take a listen to Steve Weatherford in this week's parent podcast; we hope it equips you to have a spiritual conversation with your child. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 20th Parent Podcast - The Big Leagues, Week 3 - Scouting Report

Take a listen to this week's parent podcast. We hope it equips you to have a spiritual conversation with your son or daughter this week! We'd love your feedback.

Something that didn't make it to the podcast:

  • our Scripture passage was the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30
  • the reverse offering - your student came home with money! we've asked them to follow the same rules the adults did in the auditorium service on 9/20/15. 
    1. You cannot give it back to the church
    2. You have to do something with it this week
    3. Tell us what you did #arrowsout

The Big League Scouting Report we handed out to students is right here for you to download and look at.

A podcast subscription RSS feed is on the way, we're working on it. ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Big Leagues, Week 3 - The Scouting Report

Coaches, take a listen to the podcast that will get you up to speed on how to equip middle school students to fill out their scouting report!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 20th Parent Podcast - The Big Leagues, Week 2 - Servant Leader

Check out this short podcast to see how YOU can talk to your son or daughter this week about what our series "The Big Leagues" covered today. Trust me, you'll love the action steps we gave them.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Big Leagues, Week 2 - Team Player

Coaches, we missed you last night at HS Community. Take a listen to this 20 minute podcast to get up to speed and be ready to lead MS students on Sunday!

Here's the podcast for week 2 of the series, Welcome to the Big Leagues!

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Big Leagues, Week 1 - The Callup

Parents and student leaders, this is a place for you to come and hear about what's happening on a Sunday at Heartland. Hopefully you feel equipped after reading or listening to what we post here.

This fall, there's a brand new teaching series and rhythm we're entering into:

  • every Wednesday night there is a high school community that meets from 7-9pm. at this gathering, you'll be taught the same thing our middle school students will hear on Sunday four days later!
  • you'll get to process the teaching you hear in a small group of students led by one of our high school adult leaders
  • finally you'll get to give IT [what you're learning] away to the next generation of middle school students on the upcoming Sunday.

So that's why it's so important you are with us on a Wednesday night to hear the talk and process what God is saying to you AND what you'll do about it!
We'll be recording the teaching and posting it here every Thursday. This week we had a glitch and weren't able to record the entire teaching. SO we did the next best thing and recording a podcast. Take a listen!