Sunday, September 30, 2012

10/7 Stop Signs

When the road of your life stops at a dead end, wake up to God and let new life begin.

October 7 Small Group Guide

Friday, September 28, 2012

9/30/12: Dumpster Diving

In the places of life where others reject him, know God is near and start to expect him.

I'll have kids repeat this short phrase with me, I think we'll find that it will help them remember the point of the teaching for the day.

The guide does include a short introduction to the series.

September 30 Small Group Leader Guide

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our attempt at keeping you, the small group leader, more informed!

Hi Guys!

I'm going to post small group questions here along with the bottom line of the upcoming Sunday's teaching. The next series is called Dumpster Diving: how to find God even in the dumpsters of life.
The series idea and artwork come from friends over at tuned!